Process Automation

What companies in the process industry need the most is a technology partner who really understands their business.
we understand that process automation streamlines your business, improves workflow, and increases efficiency. Our experience and knowledge in both mechanical design and controls/software engineering ensures that we deliver the right automation solutions when we work with you.
Major blocks of PAS are: microprocessors, micro controllers and micro computers, multiprocessors, LANs, SCADA, RTUs (remote terminal units) and analog and digital I/O modules
In process automation, the computer program uses measurements to show not only how the plant is working but to simulate different operating modes and find the optimal strategy for the plant. A unique characteristic of this software is its ability to “learn” and predict trends, helping speed up the response time to changing conditions.
The software and controls regulate equipment to run at the optimum speed that requires the least energy. They also ensure the consistency of quality, meaning less energy is wasted producing products that turn out to be defective, and they forecast when maintenance is needed so less time and energy is spent stopping and restarting equipment for routine inspections.


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